Chances are you have already heard about the Oreo Daily Twist. It was a huge game changer for social media marketing and won Cannes Grand Prix 2013. I was very lucky to intern under the main creative team, known as the squirrels. We met everyday at 9 to read headlines, see what "day" it was, and search history for what could shape that day's Daily Twist. Sadly my internship ended before the 100 days of Daily Twist, but it was an honor to see it kicked off and to concept on the famous "Pride Oreo." Below are some I came up with, along with a case study. (Fun Fact: You can see me in a polka dot dress at 0:45).
Tumblr loved it
Special thanks to my supervisors, who are still very dear friends: Noel Potts, Jared Isle, Jackie Anzaldi, and Mike Lubrano.
And to my fellow intern partner: Mika Raine
See all the Daily Twists here